観光地 / グルメなわたし

A Trip to the Killing Fields

投稿日:2017年8月13日 更新日:

In college, I studied a little bit about Cambodia.

It has been several years since I've studied about Cambodia, so I've forgotten a lot about its history.

However, I've never forgotten about Pol Pot.

I wanted to visit the killing fields to remind myself about the horrors that were inflicted by the Khmer Rouge.

Millions of Cambodians died during their 3-year reign. It is very sad, but necessary to learn about.

Pol Pot was a man who was concerned for his country, and wanted to improve it.

However, his vision and paranoia brought death to innocent people.

An entire generation of people were killed, including: teachers, educated people, and small children. Instead of improving his country he made it worse.

Visiting the killing fields was very disturbing because you learn about how the people were killed.

The Khmer Rouge didn't use bullets because they were too expensive.

Instead, they used rusty farm tools, chemicals, swords, etc. to kill their victims.

While visiting the fields, I realized that no one had a quick death. Every person that was killed suffered a horrific painful death.

A loudspeaker that played music at night muffled the suffering of the victims.

Visiting this place was truly painful, but I'm happy that the history of it was preserved.

It is important to study and understand history, so that such terrible deeds can never happen again.

I went to the killing fields with my friend and another teacher.

My friend was starting to get sick. I spent the rest of the day with her to comfort her and to help her.

The other teachers helped by getting me dinner and light foods with high energy for my friend.

Kind people can make hard and uncomfortable situations easier to bear. I'm grateful for the kindness and help from the other teachers.

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-観光地 / グルメなわたし

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